End of Life Care with Dr. Josie Beug

Join Carter Easler and Dr. Josie Beug for a conversation about end of life care for pets.

Dr. Josie is an expert in palliative care. We will be sharing some great information to help pet parents give their animals the most comfortable and natural transition in a challenging time.


A Holiday Wish List for Pets

Oh, if only our pets could talk… we’d probably get an earful daily. Come the holiday season we can imagine our dogs and cats get excited to see decorations retrieved from the closets and attic – more shiny things to bat around the house. If you do have four-footed friends at home, you know it’s best to keep certain things out of paw’s reach for their safety. Tinsel and poinsettia plants, for example, should not be used for decor for fear of poisoning or choking hazards. Hopefully your pets understand, but do you know what they really want for the holidays?

Pet Friendly Accommodation Available

There are many people looking for accommodations when traveling with their pets on Australia’s East Coast. Those that are traveling through that area now have the convenience of having their pets with them as they do not have to worry about separate accommodations for their pet.

Pet Safety and Christmas

Without preventative measures, the mixture of pets and Christmas might lead to dogs or cats becoming injured or ill as a result of uncovering something that could be harmful to them. To help keep your pets safe during the Christmas holidays, this article provides a list of Christmas safety tips.

Tips For Giving Pets For Christmas

Christmas is a few weeks from today and most people are already excited to find the best gift to give their loved ones. Many people are already doing the Christmas rush especially in terms of shopping for the perfect Christmas gifts. The thing is, most gifts are the same which is why it is important to find something new and unique. To be sure that people would give their loved ones the best gifts, then try giving out pets for Christmas. Below are some helpful tips to consider when buying one.

Which Feeder Is BEST for YOUR Pet?

Feed and water are two essential elements for keeping your dog happy and healthy. But a food and water dish is also something very important to consider.

The Loss of a Pet: Best Ways to Memorialize

The loss of someone that you love, or care for deeply is a very painful experience. Many people are able to relate to the death of a person, but few are able to understand the pain associated with losing a pet. After the death of a pet, it is normal to experience feelings of sadness and depression. One way to help with the pain is to commemorate your pet.

Hamster Ball

Hamster balls are for human entertainment, not for hamsters. Please don’t put your hamster inside a hamster ball.

Hamsters – The Average Life Span of Hamsters

Some consider hamsters an ideal pet because they do not live a long time. The number one cause of early death, however, is trauma.

Caring for Hamsters

If you have been wondering what it would be like to take care of a hamster, then you have come to the right place. Keeping hamsters as pets is not difficult, but it is a commitment of your time and resources.

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