Tonight we’re doing a puppy training question and answer train station episode. We’ll be answering your questions to celebrate our 1 Million subscriber milestone. Join professional dog trainers, Ken Steepe and Kayl McCann at 7:30 PM, EST on Thursday and hop aboard the training train in another episode of the Train Station. Do you have a dog training question? Let us know about it in the chat!
Are you looking for a puppy training plan? Click HERE:
Puppy biting is a common challenge. Get it under control FAST:
We Now Have A Puppy Essentials Training Program Online!
Train With Us To Make Your Puppy Training More Enjoyable And To Give Your Puppy The Best Start Possible: https://www.McCannDogs.Link/PuppyEssentials
Are you looking for a more personalized training plan for your dog? We now have a Life Skills program for dogs over 5 months old. The Life Skills program is fully supported by a McCann Dogs trainer for YOU. Check out:
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Thanks for watching,
Happy Training! ~Ken
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Keeping Rabbits As Pets
Keeping Rabbits as Pets is Fun Thing To Do – Rabbits will be your perfect family pets because they are very adorable and loveable. Keeping rabbits as pets needs a couple of factors that will help you to take care of them. You have to prepare the space that you can use for exercise. And then it is the time for you to find comfort accommodation for your rabbits. Bedding and food are also important to make them happy living outside or indoors. Meanwhile, keeping rabbits as pets will take a lot of your time every day in order to take care of them. Unlike other smaller pets, you have to give more attention to rabbits because they sometimes can bite and scratch. For those of you who have children, these pets are not suitable for them. But rabbits will become nice friends for older children with the help from their parents to supervise their kids.
Anaphylaxis, Save Your Pet’s Life With These 3 Remedies
Severe allergic reaction, or anaphylaxis, is one the scariest things a pet owner may face. Your pet may die in minutes, unless you are prepared. This article will show you exactly what to do.
Latest Veterinary Diagnostic Equipment: Is It Worth an Investment?
Nowadays, the veterinary medicine and science is also leveraging latest veterinary diagnostic equipment to provide quality treatment to the animals. These equipments enable medical practitioners to convey determinations of significantly expanded exactness.
Giving Your Cat and Dog the Best Comforting Place to Sleep and Rest
You’ve decided on getting your first Dog or Cat and now it’s time to keep that pet in the best of health. Deciding on what to get can be hard as a pet owner when it comes to selecting items that will benefit your pet’s health.
6 Elementary Tips to Take Care of Your Pets
Pet owners often wonder – what they should do to keep their pets healthy; is there a decorum they should follow? Pets are like family members that need to be fostered with care. It’s a very responsible task as a pet owner to keep the pet in check. There are various important things that need to be taken care of if you want to be a proud owner of a pet.